Varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins in the leg

If varicose veins on the legs the symptoms and treatment are related to each other. This widespread disease of the vascular walls, accompanied by a weakening of the valve aparata. About varicose veins heard of every person, and most people have any idea how to see it out in the enlarged blood vessels on the legs. But you need to know the primary sign of the disease and rules for the prevention of the pathology.

Why there will be

Varicose disease of the lower extremities develops under the influence of versatile factors. The main causes of the pathology:

  • A hereditary predisposition. If the congenital deficiency in the development of connective tissue suffer from the tabs. They are not able to complete your task — to help prevent the backward flow of blood. As a result, develops a stagnation of the, blood vessels expand and are deformed, increasing the probability of blood clots.
  • Features of the constitution. Excess weight leads to elevated load in the vein. Vascular walls become weakened, lose their tone and elasticity. The probability of developing the pathology of people who have excessive body weight increases over 33%.
  • The life and nature of the work. Varicose veins appear longer stay in the upright position, excessive exercise. Women — often the use of shoes with high heels. Causes of varicose veins include the use of close linen, including stockpiling, which leads to the pressure in the large veins of the groin region and disruption of normal blood circulation in the lower extremities of sufficient physical activity, sitz work in one and the same position.
  • Violation of the hormonal balance. The number of variations of estrogen and progestogen are the people in the blood can lead to reduce blood vessels tone. Inciting pathology may be long-term use of hormonal oral contraceptives, the use of the medication during menopause and other
  • Pregnancy. Growing tree the way pressure in the blood vessels of the development of the stagnation of blood bodies, buttocks, and feet.

The establishment of the causes of varicose veins of the legs and its removal helps prevent disease pathology and of complications.


Varicose disease of the lower extremities occurs in both women and men. Characterized by a gradual period of time, which secrete the following the extent and type of varicose veins on the legs:

  • Phase compensation. During this period the patient complaints lack of, is the deterioration of the unwell. The initial manifestations — one or both feet in the area of the shins to visualize the enlarged blood vessels.
  • The stage of subcompensation. Submit complaints of pain in the legs, feeling of fullness, cramps. Feet become swollen, especially towards the end of the working day.
  • Stage of decompensation of heart. The patient's condition is deteriorating, has developed complications — dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, trophic ulcer.

If varicose disease classification includes the following variants:

  • Localised damage. If the pathological process is drawn segmendipõhine vein. Reflux (reverse throw in the blood) is missing.
  • Segmendipõhine capture. It seems pathological to reset level, which is used to surface-or communicative vein.
  • Spread to capture the superficial veins with reflux. Varicose veins in men publish damage in all of the superficially located blood vessels. Most often both feet at the same time.
  • Involvement in the pathological process of deeper veins.

Types of lower extremities varicose veins, according to international classification:

  • Class 0. There are no complaints and visible manifestations of the disease.
  • Class 1. Appear venous blood samples eye, blood vessels of the stars. The first complaints of feeling deterioration.
  • Class 2. Under the skin to visualize the enlarged blood vessels.
  • Class 3. The result is stagnation of the blood appears swelling of the ankle region and the shins.
  • Grade 4. Violations related to the circulatory system develops signs of lipodermatosclerosis.
  • 5 a class. There will be capture the skin, the skin is easily injured, the poor will be improved.
  • Class 6. Form trophic ulcers.

Symptoms and signs

Veins on the legs

The first signs of varicose veins in the legs of the women — the appearance and telangiectasia or vascular asterisks. Initially notice them is extremely difficult, because they are individual and localized most often in the back surface of the leg or the knee down. After a long stay on the feet or the use of shoes with high heels will arise from heavy and small puffiness. That varicose veins in men is characterized by rapid fatigue of the feet.

Gradually the patient's condition worsens, the symptoms of varicose expand the blood vessels visible to the naked eye. Vienna swell, become winding and bumpy, appear in the bands. Decreases skin sensitivity. The night is not out of seizure occurrence. Swelling more to express.

Varicose veins cause a disruption of the blood circulation, the tissues lack oxygen and nutrients. There are trophic disorders, skin becomes smooth, glossy, pale. Signs of varicose veins legs men — the swelling does not disappear even after long-term vacation. Appears itching, dermatitis.

If serious varicose veins symptoms include the education is not a venous ulcer in the area of the ankle region. This threatens the community of secondary microflora and the development of infectious-inflammatory process. Leg varicose veins is often complicated by the development of thrombophlebitis — inflammation of vascular walls. Perhaps a local temperature increase in the area of the bands, as well as low-grade fever.


Varicose disease is set to the results of the collection of the history and visual inspection of the patient. In order to clarify the stage of the disease, the prevalence of pathological process, the characteristics of the blood flow, which guarantees to reflux, the state of the valve apparatus is the need for additional study of the sick.

Ultrasound of the lower extremities veins

If the lower extremities varicose veins need to do:

  • A Duplex scan or ultrasound angiography. Provides an opportunity to get a picture of blood in the blood vessels of the whole of its length, to identify the extensions and to ensure the flow of blood, the condition of the valves.
  • ULTRASOUND of the lower extremities veins application kontrastaine. If there is in the veins, veins, venography is necessary to establish obstruction of the superficial or deep blood vessels on the legs. The study is required prior to conducting the surgical intervention, to determine the method and the transaction volume.
  • CT or MRI with the natural contrast of a beautiful image. Allows to get number of images, which is determined by vascular permeability, extension of the scope of, the state of the valve apparatus, the existence of guarantees and other

If the varicose disease of the feet should be carried out laboratory studies the aim is to assess the flow properties of blood and other indicators. To this end, it is necessary to perform:

  • General blood test. If you have an inflammatory process increases the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, increased leukocyte indicators.
  • Koagulogramm with, test lupus angib and other allow to determine the tendency for increased thrombosis, a condition the coagulation and anticoagulation of blood circulation.

How to treat

To treat varicose veins in men feet is necessary in a complex way. The therapeutic scheme will be developed, given the stage of the disease, the prevalence of pathological process, which is a complications and other factors.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins without surgery using early stages. They can stop the progression of the pathology, to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improves the tone and elasticity of veins, normalize blood flow and prevent the development of stagnant phenomena.

An important role in the treatment of disease plays a the application of compression knitwear. Special hose-hosiery products to provide the changing pressure to the entire length of the feet does not allow stagnation of the blood, support muscles, which prevent the development of swelling. Put your head after a night of rest, not getting up out of bed. Selected cast separate people, traffic management legally each products has a different degree of compression.

What doctor treats varicose veins

Doctor if varicose veins varicose veins on the legs is needed as early as possible. To this end, it is necessary to know, what doctor treats varicose veins. So first of all should go to the district physician or family doctor. After the inspection the specialist will provide direction for the advice of a doctor who can treat varicose veins, he called flebologia. This is a narrow specialist who deals with diseases of the veins.

If the specialty doctor varicose one clinic or hospital in the absence of, treatment for all kinds of pathologies in the blood vessels of the deal is angiolo of residence or of the surgeon.

If necessary, surgical treatment, if the varicose veins varicose veins on the legs, you should seek medical attention-taking into account, or vascular surgeon. Division in the hospital with similar problems deals with the surgeon general profile.

How to treat drug addiction

Possible, to cure your varicose veins without surgery only in the early stages. To this end, it is necessary to use groups of the following medications:

  • Phlebotonics. Affect the condition of the vascular walls. Increase their density, reduce sensitivity and capillary permeability, increases the tonus and elasticity, is the treatment properties. Restore normal blood supply is vessels, stimulate the outflow and lymph.
  • Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The normalization of blood rheological properties. Liquefy it, which prevent blood clots from occurring. Used for the purpose of preventing complications.
  • Antioxidants. Accelerate the toxin elimination and other harmful components to the human body. A positive impact on the country's hematopoietic system. This means based on ginkgo extract, multivitamin complexes.
  • Anti-inflammatory tools. Helps relieve pain, inflammation and the severity of the feeling of fullness, swelling, and other unpleasant manifestations of the pathology. Used to be these carefully, is no longer 10 to 14 days. This is due to the fact that drugs have a harmful effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract, it is possible to cause aggravation of peptic ulcer. If the VRV can be used in the form of a solution intramuscularly, tablets, which is the application and rectal candle.

To treat varicose veins need to long, few months. Mandatory is the reception of phlebotonics in summer, because this time is the human body, i.e. in general education and in the blood vessels, experience an increased workload.

Effective in the treatment of varicose veins of the user includes the application of ointments and gels for external use. They need to rub the area of pathologically enlarged veins several times a day. Medications activation of the microcirculation, an act for the tissues at the cellular level.

How to get rid of the disease by using folk

If veenilaiendidHr varicose veins on feet treatment involves the application of folk. They can be used in addition to traditional drug therapy. They will help to get rid of varicose veins of the user a brief time to halt the progression of pathology and improve patient proscar.

To treat varicose veins in legs for women is possible using the following folk:

Tincture hevoskastanja
  • Push the tomatoes. For this purpose you can use tomatoes maturity. Must be some fruit cut in rings, to make the extended vessels and nodes to confirm. After some time in this place should appear a small burning sensation, after which the bath should be emptied, feet rinse. Fight varicose veins by this method is the need for at least 2-3 weeks.
  • Lemon rubbing. Citrus fruit is a pronounced tonic effect. Procedure need to carry out is to cut the clove of garlic lemon and rub of the epidermis.
  • Tincture hevoskastanja. In the manufacture of medicinal products, the fruit is need to chop, put in a glass bowl. Up to half fill with vodka or diluted alcohol. Packaging put in a dark and cool place, from time to time to shake. Let stand for at least 1 month. Medicine need 5-10 drops 3-4 times a day. To treat varicose veins on the legs, in men tincture chestnut is need 2 to 4 months.
  • Apple cider vinegar 6%. A tool for toning the blood vessels and strengthens them to the walls, conducive to swelling of elimination. Used for rubbing the skin procedure need to do when varicose veins regularly for several weeks.
  • You compress the kalanchoe. Helps to remove small varicose veins on the legs, in men. The manufacture of the medicine is need to take some leaves, plants, chop and pour diluted alcohol. Tool to pull in 7-10 days. The use of overlaying compresses — mass put the cotton segment of the cloth, put the area of the diseased blood vessels on the top of the cover in a plastic bag, compress and strengthen. Treatment varicose veins persist for a few weeks. Procedure is advisable to do at night that the medication operates for as long as possible.

Before you use the traditional treatment for varicose veins of the user, be sure to discuss with your doctor. Some methods can bring more harm, than good.

Surgical intervention

Possible, to cure your varicose veins forever the only way — by means of surgical intervention. But every surgery comes with some risks, so use it is desirable only if direct changes in the by blood vessels. Using surgical treatment possible to completely remove the varikoossed veins.

If the varicose veins treatment is considered given the specific nature of the progression of the disease. Main methods:

  • The laser removal. Using the beam closed in the problematic veins of small diameter. Them at the end of the blood circulation, period of time is between them melted. The method's uniqueness lies in the accuracy of the impact on the surrounding tissue is not affected. Control is performed using the ultrasonic sensor. The procedure is less traumatic, does not require special preparation, will take place in the outpatient.
  • Sclerotherapy. To remove varicose veins, is the distance between harku put in a special substance — sclerosant. The medication causes the fusion vein, followed by its resorption. The procedure is carried out without pain, its duration does not exceed 30-40 minutes. After the manipulation the patient for several days should wear special compression linen. Sclerotherapy effective in the fight against vascular asterisks and the grid, telangiectasia, advanced and complex harku, as well as the severe disease progress.
  • Miniphlebectomy. The skin made a small puncture, through which is removed the diseased blood vessels. The procedure is done under local or general anesthesia. Miniphlebectomy is used to fight of the coil and defective veins with.

If dangerous

Diseases of the vascular system belong to the pathology. The loss of the lower extremities veins to notice the simple, but the process is often spread to other ships. Dangerous varicose veins the legs in women first of all, that can move bodies in the pelvis. It threatens the development of complications during pregnancy. And during this period, many medications are strictly prohibited to implement.

Dangerous varicose veins on the legs, males, traffic management legally, the process can be spread to the genital organs, in particular, to cause expansion of veins seed the umbilical cord. It threatens the origin of male infertility.

Other complications VRV is to increase the likelihood of blood clots and blockages in the lumen of the blood vessels. It is not excluded that the development of phlebitis. Dangerous disease and venous ulcer formation. This is the open condition of the infections, injuries poorly are improving because of the infringement, the tissue blood supply.


Physical activity - prevention of varicose veins

In order to avoid the development of varicose disease of the lower extremities necessary to monitor health-related at a young age. Disease prevention disease more effective than the treatment of the feet to develop complications.

In order to have good blood circulation, it is necessary to ensure sufficient motor activity. If a man at work for a long time to be living in one and the same position, must be regularly do a small workout. The need to responsibly approach the choice of shoes — he must have a small heel (not more than 6 cm), comfortable, not the compressed leg.

Should be monitored weight. Excessive weight is one which involves the tendency of factors to promote disease. In addition, leads to a heightened load of the blood vessels. Clothing must be bitter. Must be to avoid the use of too close to bear washing, to avoid the squeeze in the trunk blood vessels of the groin region.

At the time of hygienic procedures, it is desirable to use the shower, which gives the opportunity to change the head and water temperature. Using these tricks can toning blood vessels, activate the blood circulation.

It is advisable to every day make charging or sports. Does not necessarily have to run several kilometres at a time, enough fun to visit the pool, make walking-or Cycling.

Before the application of hormonal contraceptives should consult not only the women, the gynecologist hand, but whether the phlebologist, the key-t analysis of hormones. When to change the level of female hormones content in the blood, it can negatively affect the state of blood vessel walls.